Electoral Arrangement Review Bridgend County Borough (closes 7th April 2025)

Bridgend County Borough Council has undertaken an Electoral Arrangement review of all Town and Community Councils across Bridgend County Borough.

The review has considered the following:

  • The number of Town and Community Councils – including the option of mergers, alterations or creating new ones.
  • Electoral arrangements – including the number of councillors, the number of wards, the number of councillors elected in each ward and ward boundaries.
  • Names/titles of Town and Community Councils.

The draft recommendations report, which sets out the proposed changes to boundaries and electoral arrangements, is available on the council’s website.

Paper copies are also available to view in local libraries and in the reception of the Civic Offices, Angel Street. Maps of the current boundaries for Town and Community Councils are also available on our website.

As an essential part of this review, the council has launched a 12-week consultation to gather views on the draft recommendations.

All observations on these draft proposals should be sent to:

Electoral Services

Bridgend County Borough Council

Civic Offices

Angel Street



Or by email to:  cgr@bridgend.gov.uk

All responses must be received by 23:59 on 7 April 2025.