Garw Valley Rocks Installed in Parc Calon Lan
Some time ago Sienna Edwards wrote to the Community Council to let us know about the fundraising she’d been doing during the first COVID lockdown. She asked if the council would make a donation towards the funds she had raised and if there was a place in Parc Calon Lan that would be suitable to put a tribute to the NHS and those who’ve been affected by COVID-19. Children throughout the valley painted rocks during this time and a suitable location was needed to place them; Sienna had also written a poem.
The council were keen to help and donated £25. In addition we agreed to identify a spot around the Calon Lan monument where the rocks could be cemented as a permanent tribute, along with a slate slab with the words of the poem that Sienna had written.
This week the Warden worked at a COVID distance with Sienna’s Mum and installed all the rocks collected, around the edge of the monument in the Parc and it looks very effective.